At the moment no insurance reimbursement is possible.
CHF 150
Initial 60-90 min consultation
15 min call to determine your request

You fill in short health questionnaire and minimum 3 days food diary before first session

60-90 min consultation per video call or in person

With 1-2 days you get written recommendations, personalised meal plan and shopping list

1 week support in Whatsapp/ email
CHF 100
Follow up 30-60 min

What is included:

What can I help you with?

Eliminate root cause of digestion issues.
Choosing what to eat can be very challenging for people with gastrointestinal troubles.



I specialize in providing personalized nutrition counselling to people with the following conditions:
Functional abdominal pain/ abdominal discomfort

Feeling of heaviness after eating

Food intolerances and sensitivities

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
I have a holistic approach in nutrition and health counseling by combining modern nutritional science and eastern medicine (Ayurveda).

My approach

Personalised approach

Analysis of the current diet

Your constitution (genetic factor) based on a questionnaire (physiological and psychological characteristics)

Analysis of current health, digestion symptoms, emotional state

Season, place of residency, work schedule, physical activity

Where, when and how food is consumed

What is important to consider in holistic approach:

Following any extreme diet (paleo, keto, high protein etc.)

Taking loads of dietary supplements

This approach does NOT mean:

Excluding animal products (depends on personal situation)

Excluding any group of products if it is not necessary
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