Hello, I'm Ilona!
I'm a qualified nutritionist and Ayurveda health coach.


Hello, I'm Ilona!
I'm a qualified nutritionist and Ayurveda health coach. My personal challenges with health and digestion made me dive into the topic of nutrition. We are not only what we eat, but what we digest. This is where personalized meal plan, eating habits, quality of digestion, spices, daily routine, seasonality, cooking methods, living in harmony with nature etc. come into play. I studied nutrition science at University ETH Zurich.

I'm also fascinated by the holistic approach to human health in Ayurvedic medicine, the basics of which I studied in the Rosenberg European Academy of Ayurveda (Germany) and the principles of which I've practiced for more than 10 years. The topic of food literacy is more important today than ever and I'm happy to be able to contribute by doing nutrition workshops, personalized nutrition consultations, food coaching groups, Ayurvedic cooking classes and creating cookbooks.
About nutritionist Ilona Gaspar


Member of the Association of Swiss Academic Nutritionists (Association of Swiss Academic Nutritionists)
Ayurveda nutrition and health coach, Rosenberg European Academy of Ayurveda, обучение у доктора аюрведы Prof. Dr. S.N. Gupta (MD Ayu), окончание годового обучения летом 2021
Children Nutrition and Cooking, Stanford University (online course)

Diploma and certificates

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